I make Sex Toys
Hi My name is Wayne I make sex toys. for a living. Yes.
How is that not a great way to start a conversation? Great for parties!!
Not only do I make sex toys, I make sex toys that give you electric shocks!!. I'm the creator of E-Stim Systems, an award winning UK company well known for being different when it comes to the world of adult play.
Join me as I explore the hidden world of making sex toys, the ups and downs of working in an very interesting industry, and the ins and outs of using our products.
I make Sex Toys
Worry-Free Travels: Mastering Airport Security With E-Stim Gear
Ever wondered how to seamlessly travel with e-stim equipment without running into a frenzy at airport security? Learn the essentials you need to manage airport concerns
Wayne dives into the practical strategies, ensuring you’re equipped with tips to make your journey smoother and stress-free.
But that’s not all—we also unravel the art of handling interactions with airport authorities. Traveling with sensitive items can be nerve-wracking, but by maintaining politeness and transparency, you can ease the process significantly. Drawing from our own global travel experiences with e-stim gear, we share how being courteous and candid about personal items can lead to hassle-free inspections.
Whether you're a frequent flyer or planning your first trip with e-stim equipment, our episode is packed with valuable advice to ensure your travels are safe and enjoyable. Tune in and join the conversation—we'd love to hear your feedback and experiences!
Drop us a message, we cannot reply directly but it would be great to here from you
"I make sex toys" is a the personal podcast of Wayne Allen, the Director of E-Stim Systems. The content of these podcasts are not designed to be Explicit or Erotic but we may discuss adult topics and therefore these podcasts are not suitable for children or those of a nervous disposition. You have been warned.
If you are interested in E-Stim Systems the company, or any of our products, have a look at https://www.e-stim.me/buy
Hello everybody. It's Wayne here from E-Stim Systems, and today on the podcast, I'm going to talk about something that's slightly different and that is how do you travel with E-Stim? Now, where does this come from? And the simple answer is it comes from two places. It comes from two places. One it came from a conversation that Joanne was having on her live stream a week or so ago and I thought, oh, that's something I can talk about on the podcast. The lovely Joanne is from sex machine reviews. co. uk and she runs a great site about e-stim and also runs a discord. Why not go and have a look on her site? And secondly, it comes from the fact that we recently did a show in Barcelona and we traveled with all of our E-Stim kit on the aircraft.
Wayne:For a lot of people, traveling with E-Stim kit or traveling with any sex toys is going to cause them a bit of anxiety, because they're concerned that people at the airport because these days with heightened security, people are going to want to see what things are they're going to pull them all out of the case. They're going to show everyone and and there's going to be lots of embarrassment For some people, that's exactly what they want. They get turned on by that sort of thing, but this is for most of us. We don't really want to broadcast our personal and private information all over the world. So how do we travel with E-Stim? For us as a business, it's a little bit different most of the time, because we'll either ship kit out to the event, but because Barcelona was something that we hadn't done before, we decided to try and ship it out ourselves, and, apart from the customs element, there's not a lot of different to what we did and what you would do normally, apart from the fact that we were carrying an awful lot more kit. We carried around about 70 kilos that included a display stand. All of it went in the hold, apart from a couple of items which were last minute and didn't go on Carnet, so they had to go into hand luggage.
Wayne:What is my advice for traveling with E-Stim? First thing is you have to know the rules. There are two big rules for traveling with anything on airlines, and most of this conversation is going to be about traveling on airlines because, with airlines and airports, that's where the higher levels of security are. Two things you have to know. Firstly, at the moment and this is 2024 there are still limitations on liquids. So if you want to travel on any airline, particularly international, you have to have less than 100 milliliters of liquid in your hand luggage. This means if you're carrying lubes and you're going to put them in your hand luggage, then they have to be less than 100 milliliters. If they're larger than 100 millilitres, they have to go into checked baggage.
Wayne:If you're putting lube into checked baggage, what I would do is put it into a plastic bag and then wrap it into a towel or something before you put it into checked baggage. The big problem with checked baggage is, although they try and look after it, it's going to get chucked around, going to get chucked out of the plane onto a conveyor, through the conveyor system, etc. Etc. It's going to get thrown about. So if you're putting lube into your luggage, make sure that if it leaks it doesn't leak over everything. Hence the plastic bag. So make sure the top is on tight as well and wrap it in a towel to give it a little bit more protection. So that's lube. If you're traveling with lube in your hand luggage, then it has to be less than 100 millilitres, which is why we do e-stim gel in a little tube, because that's less than 100 mil Perfect.
Wayne:Second big thing of travelling with E-Stim is batteries. Now batteries on aircraft. I don't know if you remember a few years ago, Samsung phones and probably a few other phones had massive issues with batteries exploding. Now this isn't any general battery. These are lithium polymer batteries or lithium ion batteries. Basically, they're modern rechargeable batteries. They must go in your hand luggage. The reason they must go in your hand luggage is because that way, if there is an incident with the battery and it gets damaged in flight and it starts to get overheated and burn, it can be dealt with. If it's in the cargo hold, that's going to cause an issue. The last thing you want to have is a fire in the cargo hold, so try and avoid that. So if you're carrying any e-stim kit that isn't e-stim systems kit, then you will have to carry it in your hand luggage because you're going to have lithium polymer batteries inside it.
Wayne:E-stim Systems kit, we use a nine volt pp3 battery. Why do we use a nine volt pp3 battery? Isn't that old-fashioned? Two main reasons. One it you can find them anywhere. Two, if the battery goes flat whilst you're playing, you can unclip it, plug in a new battery and carry on playing. One thing I personally hate with anything that's rechargeable is you get to the point where you're just oh, it's perfect, you've had a wonderful day, a wonderful evening of play and now everything's gone flat, and that kills the mood for me. So quickly it's just unbelievable. With a PP3 battery you can quickly slip the old one out, slip the new one in and carry on, and half the time your sub doesn't even notice that you've changed the battery, apart from the fact the power level's now gone up through the roof. But that's another story. The other benefit is, with PP3 batteries they don't have the same limitations that you would have on a rechargeable device with lithium polymer batteries.
Wayne:So you can put E-Stim systems boxes into the hold. If you're going to do that, please, please, please make sure the batteries are disconnected so your device cannot accidentally switch on. Going back to the discussion about lube, there's always that issue if things in the hold are going to get thrown about and you might want to keep your expensive E-Stim systems kit a little bit more protected. So first thing is keep it in the plastic carry cases that all of our power boxes come in. That's why we ship them in a foam padded plastic box. It protects the kit. It also allows you to put a little bit of extra cables, even an electrode, in there, so it gives you some protection. So if you're going to pack it in hold luggage, make sure you unplug the battery so it doesn't accidentally switch on. You can, of course, carry it in your hand luggage.
Wayne:Now everyone panics about this. They think, oh my god, they're going to see what I've got. I've been doing this for 20 years. I've been traveling with e-stim kit for longer than that, and the only time I've ever been stopped, they just look at you, they look at what's there. They might ask, ask you quietly what is it? The answer is it's a TENS unit, it's for pain relief or, if you want to be a little bit more in your face, they're sex toys. They'll look at you, they'll look at the device, they'll probably smile and they'll put it back. They have seen everything. As long as it doesn't look like a weapon, as long as it doesn't look like it's going to explode, they're just going to treat it as something they see every single day.
Wayne:One time we did go through airport security and got pinged. You know the little machine that goes ping. Leave it to us. What's that for? That's the machine that goes. It was down to Caz's m&ms. So that's when the swaps came out, we started swabbing everything. They looked at my stuff, no issues. They put her m&ms through the x-ray and he goes ping. Wonderful what we can do nowadays. Ah, I see you have the machine that goes ping and we had to explain that. Yes, they're m&ms, it's chocolate. Yeah, anyway, not a problem.
Wayne:It would also probably help if you're carrying lots of things. Use the protective tubes that we have. That's why they're there. They're there to protect Cables and little accessories like adapters. Put into a clear plastic bag and stick it into the case or stick it into your bag, so at least they can see what's there if they want to route around, and it also helps you not losing bits and pieces. The other thing I would say is, if you're traveling with E-Stim kit, take some spares with you, take some spare cables, take some spare batteries. I know I say that batteries are available everywhere, but I guarantee you could be in that hotel at 3am and the hotel's not going to sell the batteries. So take some spares with you. I will tell you a little related story, and this is related to traveling with E-Stim, but not in relation to airports.
Wayne:We do a show on a regular basis out to Hanover in Germany and we drive a van out there with the stand and all the kit, because generally when we do shows we tend to take more kit than we can actually get into normal excess luggage and it's just a little bit easier to take a van. So we drive and we take a van. It's about a 12-hour hour drive but we can do that. So we did the show in germany and we were driving back and we got stopped, probably about 10, 15 miles away from the port of calais. Now calais in france has a bit of an issue with illegal immigration trying to get into the uk. Don't know why they're trying to get into uk, but they have a bit of an issue. So there tends to be spot checks outside the port and a British registered van is something they're going to look at. Don't ask me why they just do. They think we're booze running or something like that.
Wayne:So we got stopped and the French customs guys, who speak very good English, asked us what we were carrying. It'd been a long drive. So the answer was we're carrying sex toys. This generated quite a lot of mirth and they wanted to have a look. So we, okay, pulled over, opened the back, showed them some of the display stuff. Next question do you have a catalog? The answer is, um, yeah, we do. So they grabbed a catalog. So, yeah, we have the opportunity to sell to some french customs guy our products. I'm not sure if they bought anything. It doesn't really get marked up as send to customs at Calais. It was quite funny and I think we probably made their day.
Wayne:If they're just usually dealing with grumpy people who don't want to be stopped and are probably carrying too many cigarettes, big thing I will say. If you're dealing with anyone, authority, who is going to open your bags and look at what you've got in there, realise that they are doing their job. Never, ever, ever get grumpy because they're going to go through their bags. You might be feeling a little bit of embarrassment, you might be feeling a little bit anxious. Just realise that they're doing their job. Always be polite, always be courteous and if they ask a question, yeah, tell them it's a sex toy. They're not going to get fazed by it and they'd much rather deal with you being open and honest than being evasive and getting shirty with them when they're doing their job and, at the end of the day, no matter what happens, they're going to win because they've got the backup of authority. So just be nice to them, be polite, don't have issues with it.
Wayne:Generally, we have not had any issues traveling with e-stim kit around the world and we've done quite a bit of traveling. Hopefully this little podcast has given you a little bit of insight in terms of how to travel with e-stim. If it has done, please consider leaving a review. We'd love to hear what you think about what we're doing. And don't forget, please, whatever you do, be safe and have fun. Bye.