I make Sex Toys
Hi My name is Wayne I make sex toys. for a living. Yes.
How is that not a great way to start a conversation? Great for parties!!
Not only do I make sex toys, I make sex toys that give you electric shocks!!. I'm the creator of E-Stim Systems, an award winning UK company well known for being different when it comes to the world of adult play.
Join me as I explore the hidden world of making sex toys, the ups and downs of working in an very interesting industry, and the ins and outs of using our products.
I make Sex Toys
E-Stim Systems July Livestream - as a Podcast
Missed our first Livestream on our YouTube Channel?, now you have the opportunity to listen to edited highlights on our Podcast.
Wayne, from I Make Sextoys, and the creator of E-Stim Systems answers questions and chats about how to unlock the secrets of high-quality E-Stim equipment.
After two years of meticulous planning, Wayne joins us to share the company’s mission and the ideas behind their renowned products. Learn about everything from session files with the 2B system and the hurdles of integrating Bluetooth technology. We also dive into the role of customer feedback in shaping their durable and effective solutions, ensuring you get the best experience every time.
Curious about electric rings and electrodes? Wayne provides expert advice on measuring for the perfect fit and explains why swapping electrodes from kits presents challenges. Explore the intricacies behind colored electrodes and understand why custom electrodes, despite demand, aren't feasible. With practical tips on using piercings as contact points and a candid opinion on methods and practices, this episode is a goldmine for E-Stim enthusiasts, whether you're just starting out or a seasoned user.
Safety is paramount, and Wayne doesn't hold back. Discover the design rationale behind some of our units and alternatives for those seeking safe stereostim.
Uncover crucial safety guidelines—especially when using e-stim devices above the waist or with medical implants. Wayne also discusses the company's commitment to continuous improvement, from product quality to delivery efficiency and customer communication. We wrap up with heartfelt gratitude to our listeners, reminding everyone to stay safe and enjoy their E-Stim adventures responsibly.
This is a edited podcast version of our new monthly Livestream, transmitting at 5pm (UK Time) on the last Sunday of the month. Why not join us?
Drop us a message, we cannot reply directly but it would be great to here from you
"I make sex toys" is a the personal podcast of Wayne Allen, the Director of E-Stim Systems. The content of these podcasts are not designed to be Explicit or Erotic but we may discuss adult topics and therefore these podcasts are not suitable for children or those of a nervous disposition. You have been warned.
If you are interested in E-Stim Systems the company, or any of our products, have a look at https://www.e-stim.me/buy
Hello everyone. It's Wayne here from eStim Systems and it's taken us two years finally to try and do a live stream. So what is this? Well, this is eStim Systems talking about what we do, talking about our products, but equally asking questions of our customers and answering questions, because, at the end of the day, you people out there are the people who actually use our products, who pay us money to build the products for you, and that's what we try and do, and we love listening to our customers. And I'm now just seeing some comments down. David Roberts, good afternoon. Thank you, david. Joanne, I'm blaming you for this. Joanne. Joanne's reviews. If anyone in the eSTIM community or if you're interested in eSTIM, then go and have a look at Joanne's reviews.
Speaker 1:She does a weekly live stream and, quite frankly, she is nuts doing a weekly live stream because the amount of effort and stress that I've gone through just trying to do a live stream, probably once a month, live streams are difficult. I could have spent all day just sitting here talking to a camera and hoping people ask questions. The good news is, over the past two or three days, I've been asking people to send in questions via DM. So social media, twitter, facebook, et cetera, et cetera, and thank you everyone. Guess what I have? A pile of questions that people have asked.
Speaker 1:Anyway, what do we do? Well, eastim Systems is a company that manufactures Eastim equipment. What's Eastim equipment? Well, basically they're little power boxes that produce an electrical signal and you then apply it to the body. You apply it to the body in an interesting way so you can use insertables, you can use sticky pads, you can use all sorts of things, but e-stim is basically the safe use of electricity to stimulate the body for adults. So these are going to be random questions, okay.
Speaker 1:First question and clearly this is from the internet why is your stuff so expensive? Okay, why is the stuff so expensive? Okay, why is the stuff so expensive? Well, we don't feel it's expensive. We feel it offers good value for money.
Speaker 1:The problem we have is we're a small-scale manufacturer. We manufacture here in the UK. We have our own workshops. We don't have mass production in China, like a number of other companies. Therefore, we have to pay staff in the UK, we have to buy new machines and, yes, we do have a new CNC machine arriving, hopefully, in the next two or three weeks, but we don't feel our kit is expensive. One of the things we do offer is a lifetime guarantee on all of our power boxes and all of our electrodes, which means that when you buy kit from us, you're buying something that's going to last you for a while. We don't expect our kit to break down in five minutes. We're repairing boxes under the lifetime guarantee which are up to 20 years old, because we've been going for 20 years. In fact, it's our birthday in September. We've been around for 20 years, so clearly we're doing something right, so we try and keep our prices reasonable. We can't compete with the big mass market where they're just having everything made in China. It's all injection molded. It's cheap. We can't do that, so we concentrate on quality and we also concentrate on offering you something that actually genuinely works. Everyone you talk to at e-stim who's involved in the sales side of things and people who are involved in the testing side of things when I say testing, I do mean testing as in they take it away and they play with it. We all play with our kit, so we know what works for us and hopefully that extrapolates to what works for you, and this all costs money, which is why the prices are what they are.
Speaker 1:What is a session file. That's a quick one. Esim systems 2b runs a system called session files. Well, what it actually does is it plugs into a computer and you can then pre-record a session on the computer and play it back to your 2B, so you can run the same thing again and again. You can edit those files, and they're basically text files.
Speaker 1:A lot of people play with eStim using audio files and there is something called stereo stimming which has been around for 20-30 years, and if you get into eStim you'll hear comments about stereo stimming. Now we don't do stereo stimming, mainly because it's very difficult to create a machine that will then pass the relevant safety standards. It's quite easy to create a machine that will give you a stimulation, but whether it's safe or not, that's a bit of a problem, which is why you tend to find the stereo stim units are homemade. There's a few designs out there and they do work for some people, but you have to be quite techie to get them to work well. We just came up with a system that we thought was a lot easier. If you go onto our forum, you will find people there who've written their own session files which work for them, and you can tweak them to get them to work for you and they're turning out to be quite popular. So a session file is basically a file that you can play through your 2B to get it to do things. It's a session. They they can be minutes long, they can be seconds long, they can be weeks long. In theory, I think we worked out the longest session file could be something like 8 000 years.
Speaker 1:Another question does it work with bluetooth? Not, yet no. Bluetooth control is something that is cropping up from time to time with various sex toys and it is something we've looked at in the past. There have been variations of modules that people have created to work with the 2B. The big problem with Bluetooth is it's not reliable enough for us to go that route at the moment, and also a lot of people use Bluetooth with things like mobile phones.
Speaker 1:When I play, I tend to use Lube. I don't really want to get Lube over my expensive mobile phone. When I play, I tend to use Lube. I don't really want to get Lube over my expensive mobile phone. So I tend to work with power units that have knobs and controls and things like that. So at the moment, bluetooth I'm not saying no, but equally, I'm not saying yes because we haven't done it yet.
Speaker 1:Can I be a tester? It's an interesting one because we do actually have testers out there and most of our testers tend to be customers first. That way, we find we tend to get a much more realistic and honest opinion of what we're doing. So we don't actually have an application to be a tester. It tends to be a case of we have conversations with people, we look at what they're doing and then we approach them potentially, or sometimes we've had people approach us and we felt that the match has been good. So at the moment we don't have any vacancies for testers.
Speaker 1:However, if you've got some of our products and you want to give us feedback about them positive or negative please feel free to drop us an email. Tell us why you like it, tell us why you don't like it. We will listen. We might not instantly fix the problem that you suggest might exist, if there is a problem, but we always listen to what customers tell us. It takes time. It takes a lot of time to go through development. We don't always get things right the first time around. We do try, but we do listen.
Speaker 1:How, how do I know which ring would fit. This is related to electric rings and the answer is we provide you with a set of dimensions which will be a measurement of diameter and circumference. So basically, take a piece of paper or a fabric measuring tape, wrap it around your appendage and then unwrap it and measure that distance and that will give you a pretty close estimate. Okay, another question Can I swap electrodes from kits? No, not at the moment. I say not at the moment, probably not from us, because we build the kits up in multiple packs at a time. It gets very complex if you start to go okay, okay, well, I want a helix, but I want it with a different electrode. The simple answer is we build these packs to try and give your, you, our customers and also our wholesalers as well, a simple product that they can just buy off the shelf and they've got enough to get started with. If we started offering all the options, then it just gets too complex and we have to draw the line somewhere. So we do not allow people to take electrodes out of kits and swap, chop and change.
Speaker 1:Can you do coloured electrodes? Hmm, that's a new. That's a new, that's an interesting one. Can we do colored electrodes? Um, not easily. Um, we can do colored insulators and in fact we do actually do two. We do the black collection and we have the red collection. The difference is the black collection has black insulators and the red collection has a red insulator Electrodes such as the black collection and later the red collection. People did complain that the black collection wasn't black. No, we just named it after the color of the insulator and the red collection the same.
Speaker 1:Do you make custom electrodes? No, we don't. We don't make custom electrodes because it takes us probably four to six weeks to come up with a basic design. That then has to go through that initial processing to create something that can be machined and it takes time and therefore time is money. So when I turn around to a customer and say, yeah, we can do a custom electrode for you, but it's going to cost you four figures because we've got to pay for development time, it's just not practical.
Speaker 1:Zeng, his question is using eSIM devices, but UK is a little bit far away from me to order. We do ship around the world. If we're shipping further away than the UK, then we'll tend to use DHL or UPS and we've shipped virtually to every country in existence. So, yeah, there is going to be a little additional cost for the shipping itself and, depending on what you order, you could potentially have to pay a bit of customs duty, but one it's worth it. And we are getting more stockists that are in the US, for instance, and we have stockists in Australia. So if you're not going to order directly from us, then potentially look at some of the other stockists. We have a stockist list on the website which might be easier for you to get hold of and get to, so we are working on that. We've just come back from a show in the States. Yes, estim Systems has managed, after 20 years, to hit Californiaia. It was great, fantastic show and hopefully we've got a few new stockists appearing from that show. So we're trying to expand around the other option you have if you have stores local to you, go into the store and say you should be stocking this, get them to contact us and we can come up with some deals for them.
Speaker 1:Now the question can I use my piercings as contact points? I have a PA. Okay, the answer to that is yes, sort of One of the problems with using piercings. Firstly, I would ask how old is the piercing? Because what you don't want to do is use a piercing that is too fresh, because you're going to have quite delicate skin around there. If it's quite fresh when I say fresh anything younger than six months you're going to have quite delicate stint around there. The skin's still going to be growing back. So I'd probably avoid it. If they're relatively new, if they are old enough and you're comfortable enough, you could use them for a contact point. The problem you're going to have is the minute you start to use metallic items inside the skin. Then you're going to have issues with very small surface area, high current density. Potentially you could get burning inside the pa area. It's not something I would recommend. I do know people who do use them. Generally I would say use lots of lube, but if you're going to use a contact point that's embedded into the skin, be aware that the intensity is going to be much higher.
Speaker 1:What is your opinion of the ElectroStim Teases on Malova? I've used them twice and they were interesting, but I don't think I got into them deep enough to actually find any massive differences to using things like session files or just using normal audio files. So it's one of those. I haven't used them enough to really have a strong feeling. Either way.
Speaker 1:Can you do videos of kit in action? I'd love to. I would love to do videos of kit in action. Unfortunately, I would have them on YouTube for about 15 seconds before they pulled the channel. We do have some professionals who use our kit. We do have some professionals who run various channels which you can see our kit in action. The biggest one probably springs to mind is Anna Rose, who's a lovely lady. She runs a channel called annarosecom and, I think, a couple of others, but she has some really lovely, fantastic videos of our kit in action. So go and do a search and have a look. But whether we're ever going to publish videos of kit in action, no, we can't. The only time we've ever done it, we did a demonstration at expectations in london and the video was actually up for about two years because it was deemed to be artistic. Unfortunately, then youtube pulled it down and basically said that we'd breached all sorts of various rules. So no, we can't put videos of product in action, although I'd love to.
Speaker 1:Can you do a smaller triple? It's on the cards. We are looking at things. The problem with the triples is trying to get all of that mechanical genius inside into something that's physically smaller. But are we going to see other designs of the triples around? Yes, we are. That's planned at some point.
Speaker 1:When I'm not saying, can I send it back if I don't like it, honest answer is generally no, you can send products back if we've got it wrong. You can certainly send products back if it fails in some way it has a lifetime guarantee, after all. But just because you don't like something, no, you can't send it back. However, the one thing I will say is, if you feel that you're not going to like it, talk to us beforehand. Don't just throw money at it and then buy something. Have a conversation with us, whether it's on social media, whether it's dropping an email or give us a call. Ask us what we feel. Tell us what you're planning to do with it. Are you planning to use it on yourself, your partner? Have you played with Electro before?
Speaker 1:We in the past have done shows where we have actually turned around to people and say don't buy 2B at the moment. Go off, find yourself a little cheap 10s unit and see if you actually like it, because then if you like a cheap 10s unit, you're going to love a 2B or a Helix or or something else. So we're not always here just to sell you the product. We want to sell people the product that works for you. The worst case scenario I hate it when people buy something and they haven't. They've just bought it and they're like it's rubbish. And it's like well, why is it rubbish? It's rubbish because we didn't show you the best way to use it, or you're using a different way to what it was designed for and that that just it just doesn't work. It's not great business for us because now we've got a customer who's not happy. I'd much rather have a happy customer who's sitting there going.
Speaker 1:I love what you do as danny, try the pebble first. Thanks, how I started. Yep, we love the pebble. Um, we actually started on the series one, which was the predecessor to the helix, but the pebble is actually I think it's in at least one of our playbacks. Most people think that we spend all of our time playing with 2b and no, actually the helix and the remote, because wifey loves the remote.
Speaker 1:This is the most common question we get asked can I have a discount? And the answer to that is no. We do do discounts, we do sales. From time to time. We tend to broadcast ourselves on social media. We don't necessarily tell you that much in advance. Because it's a sale, it's supposed to be special. So no, you can't have a discount. You certainly can't have a discount just because you're placing an order or because you feel that you're placing a large order. That's not how we work because, in all honesty, it wouldn't really be fair to other people.
Speaker 1:Can I buy it in America? Yes, you can. You can buy our products from at least two companies um, online, happy stim usa. Good old gary, he stocks our products. There's also stores 665 and oh mr s, why don't we do a shock collar? Well, we do an e-stim remote, but we strongly advise anyone using it above the waist needs to know what they're doing, and I certainly wouldn't condone the use of any shock device around the neck, mainly because you've got some rather important nerves going up the side of your neck which controls some quite useful functions like oh, breathing. And shock collars are generally designed if they're bastardized dog versions, which most of them tend to be they're generally designed to be used on dogs with quite thick fur, and even in the uk people like the rspca are against them because they traumatize the dogs. So we don't do shock collars because, quite frankly, they're dangerous and, yes, that's our opinion. But then we're in the business of manufacturing East so we should know something about it. But no, we do not do shock collars and we will not do shock collars.
Speaker 1:Can I swap heads on electrodes? You can technically, because virtually all of our insertable electrodes run off a very similar system. Can you swap them all the time? It depends on the size of the bolts, it depends on the size of the necks. It is something that we're looking at. That's all I will say on that one.
Speaker 1:What is the best electrode? That's a very hard one to answer because electrodes are very personal. Generally. They depend on what you like. I think the Mona is probably the most popular electrode we sell, closely followed by the MJ. As to which one is the best electrode, that is going to be down to you and your partner. Personally, yeah, I think the mj. I quite like flange as well because it's small and simple and it just works for me. But it does change from time to time. Some days you might find that I'm looking for something else.
Speaker 1:How do you come up with your designs for electrodes? I don't know. I just look at things and think, oh, that would make an interesting design. Then out comes my little black book. It's one of those things that we just we're constantly looking at stuff and going can we refine it, can we make it better, can we improve it? And if we can, then that potentially is a new electrode. You'll notice a lot of our electrodes start off small and then potentially get bigger, because we're almost guaranteed, every time we come up the a design, somebody wants it bigger. It's already happened. We're already having requests for larger triples and when you think the largest triple at the moment is two and a half inches. Larger triples is going to be quite interesting.
Speaker 1:Do you do a stereo A-box? The A-box is a audio box that we do, which is what we describe as a pure audio. So all it does is basically just process audio. It doesn't do anything else. And it's a mono box. And why is it mono box? Because it's nice and simple. That's what it did for us. I mean, it's actually this. It was the second design we came up with, so we had the series one and then we came up with an a box. The current a box is the mark 2, so it's smaller, it's lighter, a bit more powerful than the original a box. If you want stereo, then look at the 2b or look at the pebble, except the pebble is microphone only. So if you want to plug into something, then the 2b is the way to go, and we haven't at the moment thought about whether we're going to release a stereo A-Box, because the A-Box is pretty popular.
Speaker 1:It does what it says on the tin and for a lot of people, the minute you get into more than one electrode, then things just get more complex. When are you going to do 3D printed electrodes? We're not. Joanne does 3D printed electrodes and they're fantastic, and I see no reason for us to do 3d printed electrodes. One because we have invested enormous sums of money in machining our electrodes and joanne does it really well. Why should we copy a competitor, although joanne? Joanne technically, is a competitor because she's selling things, but I don't see any reason to sort of go that route because it's not something that we have any specialism in or whether we should do it. It's just like, yeah, no, not planning to do 3d printed electrodes.
Speaker 1:I thought it was dangerous to do any stimming above the waist except nipple. Yeah, um, it's a case of. I think I've already mentioned this earlier. Stimming above the waist has risk, so it's one of those. You need to know what you're doing. The main thing you're trying to avoid is passing current across the chest, and across the chest isn't necessarily this way, but it's also front to back, and people tend to have a very simplistic view of e-stim. They sort of think it's oh, you've got two points, it's going to go straight between the two. No, it depends on what materials between point A and point B. And, yeah, you'll get some going from there, but you also get some going from there and some going from there, depending on what fluids and materials are there.
Speaker 1:It's a very, very complex subject. Is it dangerous? The honest answer is we only know two people who have had issues with tens units, not necessarily e-stim with pacemakers, which is one of the reasons we always say if you have any electronic implants, do not play with e-stim because it can potentially interfere with pacemaker or any other electronic implant. Is it going to suddenly cause a heart attack? Unlikely, but it's that classic. It's increasing the risk. So this definition of dangerous doesn't necessarily mean it's going to kill you the instant you do it, but it's something that I wouldn't recommend unless you're pretty certain you know what you're doing, and I mean certain, not certain, not. Oh well, I've just seen something on the internet. Therefore I'm an expert.
Speaker 1:If you're going to do nipple play, then use an isolated channel box, something like the 2b, and keep the current paths either side of the nipples rather than trying to go well, connect one there and I connect the other there. It's no, even with a dual channel box, you've got to connect them correctly. So be aware of the potential risks. Is it going to kill your partner? Hopefully not, but it is an increased risk and it's one of those. After a while you start to understand the concepts, but still, some people come up with weird and wonderful ideas. We are aware of a company that does a demonstration where two people kiss, and I'm still worried. I'm still thinking about how the current doesn't go across the chest or through your neck or all sorts of interesting places.
Speaker 1:Is eastim safe for viagra? I don't honestly know. Um, the reason I don't honestly know is I'm not medically qualified to tell you that Viagra is deemed to be safe, I believe. Again, you get the little packet and the instructions and all the possible things listed on a piece of paper this long in tiny, tiny writing. The honest answer is I don't know. I'm aware of people using Eastin with Viagra. Potentially you're going to have issues with if you get more excited, it's going to increase blood pressure, things like that. So be aware of the possible risks. But it's something I can't really comment on because I'm not medically qualified. I don't believe there's been any studies as to using stimulation devices and viagra that I'm aware of. Certainly there have been studies in relation to using things like penis pumps and Viagra and they've come out with no massive issues. So would I do it? Yeah, I probably would, but I'm not medically qualified.
Speaker 1:If you are taking things like Viagra and you're concerned, talk to your doctor. They are medically qualified. They will say yay or nay. Yes, there might be a little bit of embarrassment factor, but I've talked to medics before these days. Most people know that we all play with various things and they've seen most things. So be honest with your doctor, talk to them and see what they say.
Speaker 1:How safe is Eastern? And the answer to that is it's as safe as we can make it. We build our units to a British standard, a European standard 60601-15, if I remember that, one which covers TENS units and electro stimulation. So we use that as our standard to create safe products. They carry a CE mark. They carry a UK CA mark. We build and test to make them safe and all of our advice is based around can we make it safe as possible?
Speaker 1:It is one of those things that, like anything, there's a risk somewhere. You could stand on a battery, you could trip over the box, you could trip over the cable. There's a risk there. Can I be a reviewer? Yep, you can be a reviewer. All you need to do is find your east inbox from the cupboard and go and play with it and create a video, talk about it, post on social media. That's how reviewers, most of the reviews, have started. It's talk about your product. Do you mean? Will we give you free kits so you can review um, unless you've got a reasonable track record? No, we probably wouldn't, but you could always ask and we have been known to do mad things and go. Yep, we, like you, have some kit and let us know how it goes. It's one of those we get asked every day and we always have to look at it and go.
Speaker 1:Are people just trying to promote their own channel? Are they actually going to add value to our customers, because we're looking for people who are going to be open and honest, not just, oh, I'm going to find all the bad points or I'm going to find all the good points so I can then link on the affiliate scheme and make lots of money. It doesn't work that way. We want people who are going to provide people thinking about buying our products an insight as to their experiences. I can sit here, I can sit in front of a camera, I can talk about eStim for hours, and the point is I'm always going to be biased because I sell the product, I make the product, I want you to buy the product. But equally, there are people out there who are going to just create reviews for clicks. We see them all the time now. If you wanted to create a review, by all means create a review, post it up and ping us.
Speaker 1:The more stuff you have out there and the more people will listen to you and the more people like me will sit there going actually, yeah, we would like to send you some stuff because we like what you've done before. You've been honest. That doesn't mean to say that you have to be gushing about how wonderful it was. No, we want honest opinion and we know not everything works for everyone. That's life. The key is trying to create something that works for most people and for the people it doesn't work for. They're the people we want to help as well, because it's a case of okay, how do we take what we've done and create something that's better for you, because you're different to the next person? How long do the batteries last? About as long as I do on a live stream. The answer is it depends. The 2B is the most powerful box. Yes, it does get through batteries quite quickly, things like the Helix. They're quite efficient and they last a lot longer with batteries.
Speaker 1:Why do we do batteries? I know that was something that sometimes crops up. Why don't we do rechargeable? And the really simple answer is one is because that's how we started. We started doing battery powered units 20 years ago, and 20 years ago rechargeable wasn't that usual. And the thing with doing standard batteries is you get to that point where, oh, everything, it's so close and the battery goes flat. Now, if it was a rechargeable unit, you've basically killed the mood, you've killed the scene, because now you have to go find a charger and plug it in and wait for it to charge up. Wouldn't it be better to be scrabbling around looking for another nine volt battery to quickly stuff it in the box and click it on and go right now I can carry on. So you get like a 30 second gap as opposed to two hours.
Speaker 1:And again, that's based on how we play. We play doing that. We carry two or three batteries. I always remember selling a unit to a couple. It was at erotica many years ago now, because erotica in London doesn't run anymore big show at Olympia. A couple came up and they admitted to me they bought the product on the first day and I think it was a series one. They actually said that they borrowed the battery out of the smoke alarm because they didn't have a spare battery. Afterwards and it was like, oh, you shouldn't have done that, but they wanted to carry on playing and that was the only place they could have a battery. So we always say carry a spare battery.
Speaker 1:I use the mains power on the 2B. Yep, so do I, because I need that little bit extra power. The 2B is actually designed to use two power sources. You can use the battery or you can plug the power supply in the power supply because it has more latitude, will give you probably about a 30% boost just by plugging the power supply in. And, incidentally, all of our other power units. When we do do use batteries, we use batteries right to the nth level, so you don't suddenly find it suddenly goes.
Speaker 1:The box is working. The box is working. Oh, it's flat. What you'll find is you have to keep turning the box up as it gets flatter. If you were normally playing at 50, now you have to play at 60 and as the battery gets flatter, you then just increase. That way you use as much of that battery as possible. Do I need to remove battery if using mains? Not on the modern 2B? No, you don't Older 2Bs and when I say older, probably 10 years plus we would say yes, but anything since then there's no issue.
Speaker 1:Are upgrades on the 2B easy to upload? Yes, they, they are, david, and providing you've got the digital link, there are links in our channel for videos about how to do that Basically. Yep, the upgrades for 2B are easy to upload. We're currently on 2.127 on the betas, which is available through the East End Forum. It's probably the closest we're going to get to a beta before we actually convert it into a full release, which is planned, but I don't know when. And the reason I don't know when is because we keep adding things to it. Beta is the one things I really like about the 2B, because it's that constant. Oh, actually I could do that, and I'm already about three versions ahead in my personal list of things I can do. Despite the fact that 2b has been around for 13 years, something like that, we're still coming up with new ideas. So, yeah, betas are easy to update on the 2b. All you need is a digital link and a pc or a laptop, and there are links out there.
Speaker 1:What's the difference between a tens unit and yours? Difference between eastim and tens? Eastim is basically more powerful, wider range, more, more programs, more controllability. Tens yes, technically they are similar, in the same way that Formula One car and a car are similar. They're both four wheels and an engine. Eastim we shifted the ranges that boxes work at to be much more attuned to being sensation-based rather than numbing or pain relief-based, to being sensation-based rather than numbing or pain relief-based. And also, you'll find with an Easton unit you don't have anything that is medically orientated, so you won't have timers that run out after 30 minutes for a treatment. That's always a good spot for a TENS unit that's masquerading as an Easton.
Speaker 1:I must admit I've been talking and it's been fantastic. The fact is, I love this and I'm going to do it again. I think we're going to probably look at doing one of these a month. We're also going to try and get some guests in to chat. If anyone wants to talk about Eastim and talk about their experiences, then please drop us a line. We're quite happy to come up with some ideas where we can actually have a conversation, providing, of course, you're happy to sort of appear on good old YouTube.
Speaker 1:The whole purpose of this channel isn't to sell products. This is really a case of us trying to help you. We can spend all our time sitting in our little office or hiding in the workshop making things. We really need to get out there and talk to people and find out what works for people, what doesn't work, and if it's not working for you, then we want to know, because it allows us to fix things. If you look at, for instance, the 2B, the 2B has, I think, had about 14 or 15 iterations. You haven't seen all of them because we do internal changes, but we sort of do little changes that come up and a lot of our products work that way.
Speaker 1:We constantly look at our products and go can we make this better? And it's not just our products, it's our service as well. Can we improve our service? Can we deliver better? Can we pack it better? Can we give you more information about what's going on? We buy stuff all the time from the internet. We know how much we hate it when you just don't get anything. You don't where is it? Where's my product? So we're always trying to come up with ways giving you more information. Anyway, thank you everybody. I'm going to slow down now, go and have a coffee. Thank you everyone for listening, for sticking with us. Please, everyone, whatever you do, be safe and have fun. Bye.